Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My ultimate favorite book!

     Sorry about not posting last night, my brother brought his amazing family over for dinner, and honestly I was just too busy crawling around on the floor making faces at Miss G. ;) (And snapping pictures until my camera died.)  I would love to share these pictures with you, but unfortunately I am at the local community college stealing internet and my camera is in plain sight on my desk so that I wouldn't forget it. (I'm really good at grabbing my purse and forgetting everything around it.)
      So I'm going to share something that makes my almost as happy; Diana Gabaldon's series to beat all series, which begin with Outlander, my ultimate favorite book. (Well, I honestly can't pick from the series, they are all my ultimate favorite books...)
So Here is the Series! 
(All Photos from Amazon)

     Here is a link to her Amazon Author page. You should really check out anything she has written, her short stories are all wonderful too!

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