Why yes, that is my foot in the bottom right corner, thanks for noticing. Maxi hasn't yet realized that he is a 65 pound German Shepard/Pitt Bull mix and not a Pug. He thinks all laps were meant just for him.
The Koi are the only fish in the big tank, the Tilapia fry are still too little to go in the shed tank.
When weeds have root systems like this, no wonder they start to take over! (It's a plant called Dock)
And this is a sassafras blossom. Aren't they pretty?
And this is how the tulip poplar got its name. The buds look like tulips! Do you see it? When I tag along with my parents on their reviews of the farm and its workings, I learn an amazing amount and so I thought I might share it with you.
I love how white the pear flowers look against the black of night
I love my life!
I linked up at:
I love that last panoramic shot. It really provides a sense of the majesty of the natural landscape, and the color and lighting is absolutely perfect
Cool, Mary! It's a shame you can't make something with the dock root as big as they are! I hope you enjoyed your Hollandaise over asparagus :)
Love you,
Thanks Sharon! Mom said that they some people actually do sell dock root. It has some sort of herbal remedy. I did like the Hollandaise, I didn't cool the butter for long enough though, and curdled the milk a little, but it tasted very good.
I'm glad you liked the picture. I think it will be one of my favorites! The husbandman likes it a lot too.
I LOVE hollandaise sauce and I love asparagus.
Nice pics :)
How refreshing. When so many people lament their life and inconveniences. Your surroundings are humble, pleasant, yet incredibly interesting - at least if you pause to appreciate. Nice to see a young adult write nice things about parents. Ooh, how many people are fortunate enough to walk out of the house and gather fresh asparagus?! Remember from whom all blessings flow.
I love Hollandaise sauce too! (well now I do, I haven't ever had it before.) And fresh asparagus is so much better than canned asparagus! They are hardly even the same vegetable.
I love living where I do. I know so much that is so quickly being forgotten. I keep pestering the husbandman to promise to let me grow a garden when we move, and to have chickens.
A good day, indeed! SO envious of the fresh asparagus!!! YUM!!!!
Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon. :)
What a nice environment. You're fortunate.
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