Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mini Circle Skirts

     Finally, here are the pictures of my latest sewing project, the circle skirt from MADE.  I had meant to adapt the project and make the skirt reversible, but I could not for the life of me, get the waist band to work neatly on both sides. And as it would no be visible on the inside too, I gave it up and made sets, two circle skirts, each with their own ruffled t-shirt.

     Remember the Duck, Duck Goose shirt? Here it is with it's ruffle.

     The ruffles are really easy.  Just cut a two-inch wides strip to about 48 inches long (or use 4 foot long strips, which is what I did.) I used the selvage end of the fabric so I wouldn't have to hem it. Then ruffle your strip.  I found a very easy way to get even gathers is to extend you stitch length to the longest setting, and turn the tension on your machine all the way up, and it will gather it for you.

     To add a little bit more pizazz, I sewed bias tape along the gathered edge. (This also hides any uneven gathering.)  Then just sew the whole ruffle to the shirt, and join the two ends of the ruffle. (I lined mine up with the side seam of the shirt, and you can't see it at all.)

And there are my mini circle skirts! What do you think?
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Daniela said...

i think they are way too cute !! i love it !!

have a nice day & all the best from germany

Mary Moury said...

Thanks so much!

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

All these outfits are so adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Oh my, those are adorable!

Visiting from Serenity Now!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Lovely! That's the kind of outfit I like to see my girls wearing.

Mary Moury said...

I'm so glad that they are so popular! I think simpler may be better for little ones (at least day-to-day.) I would love to infuse everything I make with that ease and practicality that is so often missing from our clothes and so readily found in vintage items.