Simple Mom is a blog that I found a few weeks ago through her book Simply Organized. She has amazing inspirational and helpful post on everything from DIY and money management, to relationships. It is a definite must-read even if you are not a mom (like me.) Her latest post is the first in her Project Simplify series and is tackling the mess most of us have taking over or closets and dressers.
No Big Dill is one of my first finds and I am always impressed with what she comes up with. Right now she is working on a fantastic project: Once Upon a Thread. With the help of many, many well know bloggers, she is creating a month of projects based on children books. My favorite so far is her first project, a jacket based on the story Harold and the Purple Crayon.
Serenity Now is a more recent find. She is generous enough to devote all her weekend blog space to us: her fellow bloggers! Every weekend she has a Weekend Bloggy Reading link party, which is always packed with amazing ideas, anyone who chooses to participate just links to their favorite post from the past week. But today she is having a "just because" day and it sounds like a really great way to spend a blah sort of day (I moped all day, her idea is much better).
And today while the husbandman was in class, I finally decided to check out Tatertots and Jello. Boy am I glad I did! She is one of the best known crafty mommy bloggers and even though I have just started to dig into the archives, I can tell that I will be hooked for a while.
There, that is what I am reading on my blah sort of day. What is your cure for the blues?
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